2008年5月29日 星期四

Moon World in Kaohsiung County,Taiwan

Moon World is located in Kaohsiung,in southern Taiwan.It is so called because it resembles the uneven surface of the moon.For more pics,please go to http://www.wretch.cc/album/AlbertShaw.

2008年5月27日 星期二

Sun-Moon Temple 日月禪寺

In Taiwan,there are numerou temples and churches for you to say your prayers in. Choose the one that suit you most. To me,religion means the belief or the building in which I feel comfortable and peaceful. No fear,no revenge. A state of tranquility dipped in the bright sunlight.

2008年5月25日 星期日

Mt.Hohuan in Taiwan

Snow may be as common as rain or wind or even a disastrous nightmare in your country. But people in Taiwan rarely see snow in winter.Mt. Hohuan is one of the few resorts which have snow in Taiwan.

2008年5月20日 星期二

Flora festival in Taiwan

Every year in Changhua,Taiwan, a flora festival is held during March. Many people come from afar to join the annual meeting-a meeting between man and flower or man and man. Tienwei flora park ,another famous flower park, is just a few kilometers away from the festival. Another flora exhibition is held in Puhli, Nantou County.For more pics,please go to my ALBUM.

2008年5月18日 星期日

Aurora Park

Many people gather at Aurora Park at Taimali Township in Taitung County to greet the first beam of the New Year. Taimali is an indigenous term which means "the place of sunrise". It is said that Aurora Park is the best place in eastern Taiwan to view the gorgeous sunrise. Another place famous for viewing sunrise is Alisan (阿里山).

2008年5月16日 星期五

Buddhda's statue

Buddha's statue has long been the landmark of Changhua in central Taiwan. Many people took pics in front of the statue to prove they had been to Changhua. For more pics,please go to http://www.wretch.cc/blog/albertshaw.

2008年5月14日 星期三

Special filter

A special filter called "stream" was used in creating these portraits. There are apparent differences between Western and Oriental ways of making portaits. What would you say about these ones?

2008年5月13日 星期二



Minolta's Rokkor-x

The three glamorous portraits were taken with Minolta's Rokkor-x which is a reflective lens. When located at the proper place,it can create a special effect with many many little circles like caviare,serving as a soft and flattering background. It is deeply liked by some members of the photographic societies in Taiwan.(For more examples,please visit my ALBUM.)

2008年5月8日 星期四

Better half

What are a husband and a wife in the previous life (generation)? Are they beloved brother and sister, or some other relatives? What are a husband and a wife created for? To produce new generation or to be a good companion in the decaying years? So much to think about. 夫妻的前世是什麼?

2008年5月7日 星期三

Special lens

The posted pics were taken with special lens. It can produce dreamy vague.Maybe you don't like the effect because it seems to be the result of careless vibration. But no, the peculiar effect is created by,yes,of course you know it, the Lensbaby.

2008年5月5日 星期一

Musical teams in communities

There are traditional Chinese musical teams in the communities around Taiwan. The members gather once or twice a week to practice their favourite tune for entertainment. Some of the teams play in the religious festivals,but only few of them play in the funerals for commercial profit.Most of the members are retired elders who want to entertain themselves after hard work in life.

China Youth Corps' boarding center

China Youth Corps' boarding center is located in Kenting in southern Taiwan. The center is famous for its Minnan(閩南) stytles of building.

2008年5月3日 星期六

Pilgrimage in Taiwan

The Taiwanese spend a lot of time worshipping their gods.Every year in spring,they move from Daijia in Taichung County to Shinkong in Jiayi County. The journey is a symposium of Chinese folk music and folk arts.The pilgrimage includes eight days and seven nights.The picture on the right shows the followers of Mazu(媽祖),the goddess,are kneeing down to let the sedan of Mazu go over their heads which will help them to get rid of bad spirits and bring them good luck.

2008年5月2日 星期五

What do you see when there are no flowers?

Flowers are attractive and impressive.But when there are no beautiful flowers,we need philosophy to look at the boring leaves and branches.