2009年3月14日 星期六

Danny Boy 傷別離

Today the Irish ballad "Danny Boy" appears on one of the most famous newspapers in Taiwan. Some people think it is suitable only for the funeral because of the words like "dying" and "dead",while others insist that it is a song describing the sadness of losing one's beloved family or friends after long departure. Some of the lyrics go: And if you come
when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead,as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

2009年3月13日 星期五

Flora Festival at Changhua 彰化花博會

Tien-wei Township is noted for its flower planting, and it is known as the "Freeway Garden"(公路花園). Yet Changhua government annually holds flora festival at Shichou, a township just miles away from Tien-wei, which attracts many many visitors to see the fantastic display of flowers. The pics here can only presents a tiny portion of the gigantic party.

2009年3月12日 星期四

寶島四季攝影廣場 Formosan Photographic Square: Cross-Island Road 台灣中橫#links


Cross-Island Road 台灣中橫

Although Taiwan is surrounded by the sea, yet it is a mountainous island. Most of the transportation network is located at the west side. To build a road across the island is extremely difficult. The Cross-Island Road (中橫) in central Taiwan, once very famous for the variety of fruits and the activities held by China Youth Corps, was terribly damaged. Here are some of the pics of the scenery along the road.

2009年3月11日 星期三

Books on Taiwanese Ballads研究台灣歌謠的書

There are many books studying the themes,tunes and origions of Taiwanese ballads or old songs. Here I post some of the books easily found at the bookstores. If you are concerned with the development of Taiwanese ballads, read them,please.

2009年3月10日 星期二

水里蛇窯 Pottery at Sui-li, Nantou

Pottery is quite an expensive activity. Few people can afford to play these tricks. Most kilns burning wood are replaced by electric or gas kilns. The pottery in Sue-li, Nantou County, remains famous because the owner insists on using wood to burn the works in the kiln which looks like a snake. On holidays or weekends, many visitors come here to learn pottery. It is a sight-seeing resort in central Taiwan.

2009年3月9日 星期一


Nantou County in central Taiwan is famous for the sight-
seeing resorts. The Sun-moon Lake is just one of them.
There you can see many geographical surprises and indigenous
clans. Please come to www.wretch.cc/blog/albertshaw to view
some of the aborigional dances.

2009年3月8日 星期日

新竹北埔慈天宮Temple at Shinchu

People in Taiwan enjoy complete religious freedom.There is
no religious conflict on this piece of land. You can see vastly
different buildings worshiping distinctive gods or goddess like
churches or temples around the island. Come and see for yourself,

2009年3月7日 星期六

Plums 2009

Pics of plums here were taken at Fongguedao of Sinyi Township, Nanto County.