2010年10月25日 星期一

Flying-Cow Ranch at Miau-Li County,Taiwan

2010年6月9日 星期三

Gu-guan,Taichung County,Taiwan

Gu-guan,in Taichung County was originally the entrance into the Cross-Island Road to eastern Taiwan. As the road is easily damaged by earthquakes and slide torrents,the authorities have decided not to repair it for the time being.

2010年5月3日 星期一

Ba-sen (Eight gods) Recreational Park

Ba-sen means eight gods. Some resorts or places in Taiwan are named according to the legend or the shape of the mountain. Some forests in Taiwan are experimental and now transformed to be recreational parks. There are little trails,green leaves and ,most of all,the fresh air among the trees. You can hear joyful laughters coming from the valleys.

2010年4月6日 星期二

Hatta Yoichi and Wusanto Reservoir

2010年2月12日 星期五

Sun-Moon Lake

The Sun-Moon Lake is one of the most favorite
resorts for the Mainland Chinese.

The azure sky over the lake.

The water in the lake is used to produce

Small cruisers on the lake.

The cable cars enhence the sight-seeing

Some stores sell aboriginal costumes.