When I was a child, my grandma used to take me to the theater to see Taiwanese Opera which we call "歌仔戲" in our native language. It was a precious memory because going to the theater was undoubtedly a wasteful behaviour in the poor country 50 years ago. Once the player's daughter came to my home and we ate lunch on a long bench. What a fond and unforgettable memory! My grandma has been dead about ten years, yet I know she loved me because I was the youngest child in the family. Today the Taiwanese Opera attracts me so much that whenever I hear the tune, I become excited. The pics here show some of the players skilfully getting dressed and putting on the make-up by themselves.
2008年12月21日 星期日
Taiwanese Opera
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 opera life thought Taiwan
2008年11月3日 星期一
2008 Mazu in Changhua
2008年9月23日 星期二
Busy weekends
Temples in Taiwan are usually very busy on the weekends.The elders,with burning incense in their hands,come to ask for good health and family peace before the gods and goddesses.Outside the temple in the square there are soaring sound of firecrackers and competitive exhibition of kun-fu,and the terrifying performance of the god's interpretors.I just passed by the temple and happened to share their religious ecstasy by making numerous shootings.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography Taiwan, religion
2008年9月19日 星期五
Don't worry,be happy.
When I was young,I used to hear my mother persuade the suffering relatves or friends to be optimistic and liberal-minded.My mom was right.As the Chinese often say,"Ninety percent of the things in life are unfortunate." Sometimes,in the country,I often see some elders wear smiles on their faces but they don't have much education and don't have much achivement in life,though.Therefore,happiness is not necessarily connected with fortune and richness.How to cultivate a joyful and opmistic attitude toward life is paramount in our lifetime.So open the window and let the sunshine come in.Don't worry,be happy.These words are comparatively important to my fellow countrymen in Taiwan who frequently suffer from natural disasters,like typhoons and earthquakes.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography Taiwan, thouthts
2008年9月2日 星期二
Yelio 野柳
If you have been to Yelio,I would think you had seen the performance of sea animals,local products,the statue of Mr.Lin Ten-jen who sarcrificed himself to save the drowned children and more important,the head of the Queen.But I still don't think you have seen the breast-like rocks that are located southwest to the Queen's Head.As they are exposed to the sea water and the strong northeast wind,some of the nipples are broken from the bases.Next time when you go there,be sure to view them from afar,don't cross the red line because the ground around the rocks is often wet and slippy.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 geography, photography travel Taiwan
2008年8月29日 星期五
Buddhists' Transcending Meeting
Recently the Buddhists held a meeting at Changhua Athletic Park on Pagumount to transcend the soul from suffering in the underworld.The meeting is closely related to the legend of Mu-lian(目蓮救母)who rescued his mother from the hell.Mu-lian's mother was orignally a devoted Buddhist before her husband was sick. She prayed to Buddha for her husband's recovery.But she was disappointed.After her husband's death she began to eat meat and committed wrongdoings which led her to the hell.Mu-lian,the obedient son,visited all the hells to save his mother. He opened one of the doors of the hells and the ghosts escaped from the hells,returning to the world.That is why the Chinese and Taiwanese call this month (July by Chinese calendar)ghosts' month.During this month,people do many bai-bais to treat the ghosts,burning lots of paper money to them,and let the Buddhist Master transcend the souls from sufferings in the hell.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography Taiwan, religion, thoughts
2008年8月22日 星期五
Homage to ancestors
About 400 years ago,little was known about Taiwan. It was once occupied by Dutchman and then by Japanese. Our ancestors crossed the hazardous Taiwan Strait to cultivate this piece of land.Many people died during the crossing,and therefore some historians assumed that the word "Taiwan" literarily meant "burying the dead people who died in injustice or in grievance". The married males migrated to Taiwan without their wives and the bachelors got married with the local indigenous women. Today we flourish(prosper) on this land,enjoying complete freedom and economic richness,we should pay our homage to our beloved ancestors.(照片:台南億載金城) .
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography Taiwan, thouthts
2008年7月16日 星期三
Pantheism in Taiwan
Most Taiwanese believe in pantheism. The sea may have a god,the mountains may have another,while the stone,or even the tree still has its own god. You can see numrous temples ranging from extravagant to humbles ones worshipping their own gods. The Taiwanese enjoy complete religious freedom because none will force them to change their belief.(照片:埔里中台禪寺)
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography Taiwan, religion
2008年7月12日 星期六
Walking on four feet
Nobody knows when man began to walk on two feet. The biologists say the spared two hands(limbs)created civilization.As men are growing older and older,they will find it is harder and harder to walk on both feet.The animals teach them something.Maybe the most primitive way is the best way.(The pics here show the Blackstone Port(烏石港) in Yi-lan County where there are many cruisers waiting to bring the tourists to see the whales.)
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography travel Taiwan, thoughts
2008年7月5日 星期六
The Sun-moon Lake
The Sun-moon Lake is one of the most favorite resorts for the tourists in Taiwan partly because it features the indigenous culture including their bright and colorful costume. Guanghua Isle(光華島)--the spiritual monument of the Shao tribe(邵族) was seriously destroyed in the 921 earthquake.I think the Sun-moon Lake urgently needs a landmark to represent itself.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography travel Taiwan
2008年6月25日 星期三
宜蘭傳統藝術中心 Center of Traditional Arts at Yi-lan
Center of Traditional Arts,which is located at Yi-lan,introduces some of Taiwan's traditional arts like Taiwanese operas,puppet shows and some old crafts like the paintings on the doors or beds.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photo, photography Taiwan, travel
2008年6月19日 星期四
攝影活動 Photographic competition
On Sunday afternoon,there are always photographic competitions held throughtout Taiwan,And of course the objects of the shootings are models.Every photographer carries a bag of equippment full of expensive cameras and lenses varying from Canon EOS,Nikon to Pentax,not to mention Leica,Hasselblad or Rolliflex.Occasionally there comes a burst of laughter.That's really a joyful Sunday afternoon.
2008年6月16日 星期一
Hualien Liyu Lake 花蓮鯉魚潭
I have been to Hualien many times,but for the first time my itinerary includes Liyu Lake or Carp Lake. I don't know why it is so called.Maybe because it looks like a carp or someone found a gigantic carp in the lake like the monster in Nice.In the Orient,we always have a tale or a legend attached to every thing.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 life, photography travel Taiwan
2008年6月14日 星期六
田尾公路花園 Highway Garden at Tienwei
Tienwei Highway Garden is located at Tienwei Township,in Changhua County.The garden,actually a group of flower farmers,provides half the island with beautiful flowers.On the weekends,many visitors ride the tricycles they rent to view the gorgeous world of flora.
Albert Shaw
標籤:我的相簿 photography travel Taiwan